Another SEO Guru ArticleOrganizer Starts Working With SEOPage1
Those who are familiar with freelance marketplaces must have known about ArticleOrganizer. They are a Romanian based SEO firm that need around 800 articles per month. It was till last February, 2016 that they were using other content writers to have those huge amount of contents written. But since they were not happy with the quality they were providing, they decided to give us a try. And like you can see in the screenshot, he already order $1.1K worth content in less than a month. http://prntscr.com/ajqx2l
He has a very strict set of guidelines that is a bit difficult to follow. But we, being one of the top content writing agency and having a lot of human resource in our office, it was a piece of cake for us to make sure he gets exactly what he wants. The clients that they offers SEO service to are also impressed with the quality of contents we are providing and also with the fast ranking of their sites with the contents delivered by us.
Hope to have a long term working relationship with this SEO guru too.
- On October 29, 2016